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Roy joins expert advisory panel at Education Endowment Foundation

In July, 2019, the Education Endowment Foundation produced a report on the most effective ways in which parents can support pupils with learning in the home. The University of Plymouth Faculty of Health: Medicine, Dentistry and Human Sciences were commissioned to carry out the report and bring together evidence from research and practice. They invited Roy Broadfield to join the expert advisory panel, using his knowledge and expertise of what works well in parental engagement to support the findings of the report. The full report can be found below
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by Roy Broadfield 21 July 2022
Following a successful 30-year career in education, our national consultant, Roy Broadfield , has created a range of support packages for schools and universities to support not only effective parental engagement practice, but also to nurture and develop teachers to excellence in tough and challenging times. Roy’s approach, often referred to as ‘inspirational’ has nurtured teacher and trainees to better outcomes in the last twelve years. Through the Ryders Hayes Teaching School partnership, Roy has been appointed a Specialist Leader in Education (SLE) and has been engaged in DfE-funded projects to support school improvement through coaching and mentoring teachers in areas of greatest need. Some of the initial input (aimed at supporting individual teachers) were so successful that they were incorporated into whole-school policy and practice. Advisory work: Roy has worked as a government and LEA adviser in 15 education authorities, including 9 London authorities, to engage with parents to raise pupil achievement. Department for Communities and Local Government: 2014: Expert Panel on REACH, raising attainment for Black Boys and Young Black Men. Roy was requested to advise the National Schools' Commissioner (DfE)(2014) on engaging parents in low-performing seaside towns. Education Endowment Foundation (2019) How Can Schools Support Parents' Engagement in their Children's Learning? Evidence from Research and Practice. Roy was invited as a member of the local expert panel.
by Roy Broadfield 11 January 2022
New for 2022: Following three successful appointments as a senior lecturer in Initial Teacher Training Roy is keen to support those new to the profession to achieve excellent results in the classroom. Our new Nurturing Teachers to Excellence Programme will support Early Career Teachers and those who are finding it challenging to achieve good outcomes in the classroom to better outcomes in a non-judgemental, nurturing manner that hopes to instil skilful practice and better wellbeing.
by Roy Broadfield 14 July 2021
In June, 2021 , Dr Debbie Morgan, CBE, the National Director of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), invited Roy Broadfield to become a member of the delivery team for the Mastering Number programme for Early Years and Key Stage 1 pupils. Aimed at developing firm foundations in number and therefore securing number sense for all children from reception to year 2, the programme was incredibly popular and successful in the 6000 schools it was run in. Roy worked closely with the team to present the inspiring and informative materials in online sessions with up to 160 schools taking part in each round. Now working with a second and third cohort of schools the programme hopes to ensure that children will leave key stage one as confident mathematicians with fluency and flexibility in working with number. Working closely with the NCETM team, Roy is in the process of developing the national parental engagement programme to accompany the school-based work. Mastering Number at Home will be published in September, 2022 and will be run in a number of participating schools from October. To find out more about Mastering Number, check out this link:
by Roy Broadfield 21 July 2020
In July, 2020 , Estyn published their thematic report; Community schools: families and communities at the heart of school life as a guide for all schools in Wales. Following extensive work with families across a number of schools in South Wales, the Impact in Learning programme was mentioned as a model of good practice, following its success in raising attainment for pupils in writing. The programme was mentioned in the case study (p62) for Pencoed Primary School and the full report can be found here:
by Roy Broadfield 23 June 2020
In June, 2020 , Roy Broadfield was approach by the SENDIASS team in Birmingham and asked to carry out a review of the impact that Covid-19 lockdowns had had on the mental health and education of primary-aged children across the West Midlands. Roy was asked to present his findings for the Association of Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health Services conference in August, 2020. The talk, entitled, ‘Parental Engagement, home learning and educating in an unprecedented landscape…’ brought together the perspectives of school leaders, teachers, parents and children and offered some solutions for the way forward including strategies for Covid recovery and supporting children’s wellbeing. The talk and transcript can be found here:
by Roy Broadfield 1 April 2017
In April, 2017, Roy Broadfield was asked to present on the impact that parental engagement could have on pupils in the early years at the University of Doncaster. Roy enlisted the support of the world-leading expert in the field, Professor Charles Deforges O.B.E and the talk was well received by early years educators across the north of England. The talk inspired The Early Years Educator to publish the following article:
by Roy Broadfield 2 March 2006
In May, 2006 the Training and Development Agency (TDA) published a case study to the DfE website about the outcomes of the Impact in Learning programme at Tidemill Primary School in Lewisham. The report stated that, ‘Before and after writing samples from lower, middle and high-ability pupils offer a startling contrast which makes a compelling case for the improvement that can be achieved in five weeks. ’ It also reported that parents typically remarked positively on the programme, ‘ “This workshop has given me so many basic ideas that will help me for some time to come when I am helping my child with his homework. Thank you.” The full TDA case study can be found below.
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